Era Five - SIEGE

Resources are extremely scarce. Some survivors have began targeting other survivors and their strongholds to steal their supplies. This has resulted in survivors fortifying their defenses.

Building Upgrades

Buildings will require upgrades to grant buffs/benefits to the Survivors inside. Players must work together in their buildings to upgrade building defenses and utilities.

Building Siege (Team PVP)

Siege is a team based PVP game mode. Players are able to inspect buildings and launch an attack on buildings to steal valuable resources from them.

RAID (Mass PVE/PVP Event)

RAID Events will take place on buildings that are retained by the project. Players can team up, go it alone or ignore the raid all together. There are HUGE rewards for taking part. The top player will win ownership of the building where the RAID event took place. There will also be other top tier rewards such as Mythic Weapons & Shields, new and unique. However, big rewards also come with big risks... Load-outs ARE AT RISK in the weekly raid event. Survivors can die, equipment can break. Only risk what you're willing to lose!

Last updated