Zilver Tokenomics


Zilver is the universal currency of exchange for the ZOS ingame economy. Survivors use Zilver for numerous reasons, including purchasing items from Brutus, upgrading their gear, entering battles and much more!


Gameplay Rewards - 70%

Rewards distributed from in-game mechanics, game modes and trading. This is the Primary and constant source of Zilver distribution.

Liquidity - 5%

Zilver set aside to provide market liquidity when required.

Team - 7%

Zilver reserved for Team costs & rewards.

Future Development & Retention - 10%

Zilver reserved for future development. This Zilver will be sold privately and will incur a lock up period. This will only be sold on a 'as required' basis and will be sold in quantities that have minimal impact on game economy

Reserves - 8%

Zilver Reserves. Use case TBD. If no usecase is developed for the reserve pool it will be added to the Gameplay Rewards or will be destroyed.

Max Supply, Dynamic distribution & Economic safeguarding

Max Supply - 100Bn

The max supply is set at 100 billion. The decision to set it at this level is to allow for growth and scalability of ZOS without running into any scalability issues where players are receiving decimal values of Zilver when playing the game. Modelled on traditional Currencies, Zilver will be whole numbers and work to 2 decimal places. We modelled much smaller max supplies (millions) and we also modelled much bigger max supplies (Trillions).. Both of which resulted in problems. Millions resulted in scalability problems as stated above. Trillions resulted in an economy that restricts the value of each singular coin (1 Zilver) maintaining a good value in terms of WAXP trading pairs due to the underlying max supply.

Dynamic Distribution

Dynamic Distribution is the mechanic that ZOS uses to adjust the amount of Zilver that is entering the economy. Dynamic Distribution is the way in which we believe ZOS can maintain a steady and fair distribution of Zilver into the economy based on multiple factors including player-base size, Survivors in circulation, game modes released & others. We understand that in-game economic modelling is extremely difficult and cannot be expected to be the same on day 1 as it is on day 100. The reality is that as the game grows and there are more things for players to do, and there are more players, the Zilver distributed through in game rewards needs to dynamically change too.

Economic Safeguarding

As per the allocations above, we understand that the economic modelling of Zilver is paramount to the success of ZOS and thus we will never carry out any actions in terms of distribution without thinking about the impacts to the in-game economy. The Max supply of 100Bn is significantly greater than the amount of Zilver that will be earnt in ZOS for the foreseeable future which is why it is important to ensure economic safeguarding is in place. Our definition of Economic Safeguarding is the decision making process we carry out as a team before we access any of the other segments of the Zilver Supply (Liquidity/Team/Future Development & Retention/Reserves). Before accessing those funds and allocating them to a use, for example Future Development & Retention, we will review the current circulating supply, the current price and other factors before offering these tokens for private investment. This will also include the decision taking process of lock up periods for investors in terms of duration/fund release structure etc.

The Economic Safeguarding of the ZOS in-game economy is something we take extremely seriously and will constantly implement our dynamic distribution process when required always with the best intentions for the long term stability, sustainability and growth of the ZOS in-game economy.

Last updated